Sunday, July 8, 2012


I never understood the importance of writing contests until recently, but since I joined NEORWA, I understand that contests are another way to present your work to the experts. Whether they are an editor or agent, I couldn't think of a better way to showcase your work because editors and agents who are judges are seeking a particular book to publish and since there are a limited number of entries, this gets you out of the slush pile!  Now, I wouldn't go and enter all the contests just because, instead, I would enter the contest that appeal to you and have judges that you want to see your work that may not otherwise see it.

I have listed a few contests that peak my interest from the latest ROMANCE WRITERS REPORT:

Kathryn Hayes "We Need a Hero", Fee $25-30, Deadline: Sept 10, 2012,
Launching a Star Contest, Fee $25-30, Deadline: Sept 15, 2012,
2012 Heart to Heart, Fee $15-20, Deadline: Aug 31, 2012,

Also, I have listed below the elements and grading scale of contests.

5 = Excellent, ready for an editor’s eyes.

4 = Well done, minor improvement may be possible

3 = Element lacks spark or could use polishing

2 = Element there, but should be strengthened/revised.

1 = Element missing or needs major work.

Writing Techniques Total possible: 25 points

____ Strong Opening Hook

____ Consistent use of Point of View

____ Transitions

____ Word usage, strong verbs, specific nouns, free of clichés

____ Rhythm (Varied sentence structure, readability)

____Total Points

Setting Total possible: 25 points

____ A strong sense of place and time without being intrusive

____ Accurate Research/Details

____ Backstory/Information relayed is necessary

____ Atmosphere appropriate for story

____ Starts in appropriate place

____ Total Points

Characterization Total possible: 25 points

(Heroine or Primary character)___________________

____ Distinctive voice

____ Motivation

____ Multi-dimensional/Well-rounded

____ Consistent/Believable

____ Appropriate Actions/Reactions

____ Total Points

Characterization Total possible: 25 points

(Hero or Secondary character)____________________

____ Distinctive voice

____ Motivation

____ Multi-dimensional/Well-rounded

____ Consistent/Believable

____ Appropriate Actions/Reactions

____ Total Points

Relationship Total possible: 15 points

____ Attraction believable

____ Sparks from emotional as well as physical attraction

____ Develops at an appropriate pace

____ Total Points

Conf l ict Total possible: 20 points

____ Strong enough to sustain the story

____ Wel l -mot ivated

____ Internal , very clear

____ External , very clear

____ Total Points

Dialogue Total possible: 25 points

____ Sounds natural

____ Characters have their own consistent voices

____ Appropriately tagged (Both amount and kinds of tags)

____ Advances the plot/reveals character

____ Wel l balanced wi th the narrat ive

____ Total Points

Manuscript Preparat ion Total possible: 20 points

____ Grammar

____ Punctuat ion

____ Spel l ing

____ Proper format (Double spaced, margins, headers, font size, e tc.)

____ Total Points

Plot Total possible: 25 points

____ Easi ly understood chronology

____ Logical

____ Characters goals and act ions advance the story

____ Consistent Tone

____ Sat isfactory Pacing

____ Total Points

Synopsis Total possible: 25 points

____ Appropriate amount of detai l for the proposed length

____ Shows character/relat ionship change or growth

____ Bel ievable and sat isfactory conf l ict resolut ion

____ Loose ends t ied up

____ Does the synopsis make you want to read the book?

____ Total Points

Overal l Impression Total possible: 20 points

____ Wri t ing is fresh and original

____ Strong Emot ional Impact

____ Great ending Hook

____ I would l ike to read the rest of this book

____ Total Points

________ Grand Total Points Total possible: 250 points

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